After almost 5 years it’s hard to accept that Friday was my last day at SEEK…

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time and it has been a very rewarding experience. I feel sad to be leaving behind such a talented, passionate community and team that work so well together and was fortunate enough to work directly with some extremely humble and talented people. It has been an honour working to improve the security of SEEK’s products and culture. It’s definitely come with it’s challenges, involved a lot of education and healthy discussions with product teams to make security a priority. However, it has been great to watch the culture improve during my time and I’m confident that Liam and his extremely talented team will continue to improve security at SEEK into the future. Looking back, some of the highlights have been:

  • Rolling out SEEK’s public Bug Bounty Program.
  • Open sourcing Listo, a tool designed around questions and checklists to help engineers build more robust and secure software systems.
  • Advising engineering teams on how to build a secure CI/CD pipeline (with Buildkite).
  • Improved several risks related to our source code repository (GitHub), mainly related to access control and code accountability.
  • Growing, mentoring and leading a small team of talented security engineers who rolled out many initiatives internally such as secret and dependency scanning, AWS security controls, S2SAuth, auth for internal applications, etc.
  • Improved security awareness by running developer training, launching the first internal phishing campaigns, writing many standards (RFC’s) and presenting on security topics internally to our engineering community.

For the last few years, I was fortunate enough to have a brilliant leader with an inspirational thirst for learning who cares deeply about the wellbeing of those around him and who is always willing to go out of his way to grow and support his team. He has and will continue to have a huge impact at SEEK. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be mentored, empowered and supported by Liam.

I will never forget my time at SEEK, am very grateful for the opportunity and I’m looking forward to my next journey that awaits in San Francisco!

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